Grand Prix Explanation

Current Standings








Previous Standings (2014-2023)

2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 (for 2024+, click on the series events above)

Who are the best DQ Events Multisport Athletes?

Find out this year in the DQ Events Grand Prix!


The top athletes overall with the most total points accumulated during the season will win the following prizes (participants must have completed at least 3 applicable events, entries are for Events by DQ Events & Our Grand Prix Partners only):

 Triathlon Winners  Duathlon Winners  Aquabike Winners  Prizes 
 1st O'All M&F   1st O'All M&F  1st O'All M&F  Two free entries 
 2nd O'All M&F   2nd O'All M&F    One free entry & one 50% off entry 
 3rd O'All M&F  3rd O'All M&F    One free entry   
 1st AG M&F*   1st AG M&F*     One 50% off entry   

* Age Groups: 14 and Under, 15-19, 20-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75 and Over 

Scoring System

Placement Points

Points for the series will be tallied after each race and the leaders will be posted on the Grand Prix Standings section of our website. If an athlete enters multiple categories (Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquabike) during the season, points will accrue separately in each category. After the last race of the season, the prizes will be awarded to the top male and female athletes who have earned the highest total points. Age group winners will receive awards for the highest total in each age group. There are no double-dipping or duplicate awards. Kayak and Non-Multisport events do not gain points. Overall winners are ineligible for age group awards.

 Triathlon  Duathlon  Aquabike  Points 
 1st O'All M&F  1st O'All M&F   7 points
 2nd O'All M&F  2nd O'All M&F   6 points
 3rd O'All M&F  3rd O'All M&F   5 points
 1st AG M&F  1st AG M&F    1st O'All M&F  4 points
 2nd AG M&F    2nd AG M&F    2nd O'All M&F  3 points
 3rd AG M&F    3rd AG M&F    3rd O'All M&F  2 points
 Event Finisher  Event Finisher  Event Finisher  1 point

Event Point Multipliers

Not every race is valued at the same scale. Most events will be valued at 1.0 point. Please click the following link for the full list: DQ Point Values

 Event Type  Multiplier 
 Super Sprint  0.5 x 
 Sprint  1.0 x 
 Sprint+  1.5 x 
 Olympic  2.0 x 

Grand Prix Points Formula

Placement PointsEvent Point MultipliersGrand Prix Points

2025 Grand Prix Events

Events by DQ Events

July 5 - Vincentown Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquabike, & Aquathlon

July 26 - Laurel Lake Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquabike, Aquathlon, & Super Sprint Triathlon in honor of William Laubengeyer

August 24 - Medford Lakes Colony Triathlon, Duathlon, & Aquabike

September 6 - Pine Barrens Olympic Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquabike, Sprint Triathlon, & Aquathlon 

September 21 - Long Beach Island Triathlon, Duathlon, & Aquabike at Bayview Park

September 28 - Treasure Island Triathlon, Duathlon, Aquabike, & Kayak Triathlon

Events by our Grand Prix Partners

May 4 - Spring Ahead Duathlon - Even Kiel Racing

May 24 - Jersey Genesis Triathlon, Duathlon, & Aquabike - Jersey Genesis Triathlon

June 14 - Stafford Race for HOPE Triathlon, Duathlon, & Aquabike - Trident Multisport

June 22 - Sunset Lake Triathlon - Even Kiel Racing

August 16 - Brookville Olympic Triathlon, Duathlon, & Aquabike; Sprint Triathlon & Aquabike - Trident Multisport

August 17 - GreenFields Triathlon, Duathlon, 5k Run, & Splash+Dash - Even Kiel Racing

September 7 (TBC) - marshall FINANCIAL GROUP Warrington Cares Sprint Tri/Du/Aqua - Warrington Triathlon

September 13 - Parvin Anniversary Duathlon & 6k Trail Race

September 14 - Survival of the Mills: 5-Stage Triathlon & Duathlon - Trident Multisport

* Certain exclusions may apply. Kayak events do not gain points. Events may change, be removed, or be added at the discretion of DQ Events. 


Q. Can a competitor accumulate both overall and age group points in an event? (i.e. 3rd overall & age group winner)
A: No if they are in the top 3 overall they just get those points and don’t win their age group

Q. Are overall totals a combination of overall points + age group points or are they maintained separately?
A: They are maintained the same, if you are 3rd overall in one race you get 5 points and if you are first in age group the next race you get 4 points for a total of 9 points.

Q. How deep are the age groups?
A: Age groups go 1 deep for Grand Prix awards

Q. I did not finish 3 Grand Prix events but I still see my points?
A: We will display all the points but you will not be elligible for Grand Prix awards until you complete the 3 event quota.